While "The L-Word" is on hiatus for the season, we turn our attention to Jackie Warner -- fitness expert, gym owner, TV star and entrepreneur. Her show, Work Out, is the only reality series on television focused on an Out lesbian. About 659,000 viewers tune in to watch, and this is some of what they see:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
More on this, here.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Today we tip our hat to Grace Chu, who posts LOLesbians on her site,
Grace the Spot. We've posted hers here, and some more below:You can find more of them, here.
We haz a happy at the LOL-Word today!
Even though there are still sad and sick people in the world intent on hating, sometimes it really does seem like love can overcome all - these two do it with grace and beauty.
All LOLing aside, we think Ellen and Portia are just adorable and wish them the very best. You can read Ellen's cute wedding day blog, here.
Lindsay Lohan finally confirmed her relationship with Samantha Ronson, and we say, yay! Here are a few lolz for our newest out celesbians:
LOLFloating Home, Unnumbered
Heading home to read.
Thanks to Bunny for sending two LOLesbians our way. If you don't know of Tegan & Sara, here's a tune for June 17, 2008:
While watching Logo's new series, "Gimme Sugar" we can't help but think: My oh my, how far we've come. (Of course, we are probably just being too serious.)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Truth be told, The L-Word is almost never on our minds. Instead, we're only watching politics now, and our nightly dose of Rachel Maddow is the only thing keeping us sane these days. So, first up, we lol her, with all due respect:
And, we thank her, too, for helping us make sense of the madness - and never, ever frontin.
While watching the debate last night, we Princess Brides were once again stunned by John McCain's numerous, if ineffective, blaves. We somehow kept ourselves from yelling, "Liar, Liar, Liar" and "Humperdink, Humperdink, Humperdink" at the TV, and instead we settled into the audacity of hoping there will be no last-minute chocolate pill from Miracle Max.
These two storming the castle?
It will take a miracle.
(In other news, the new season of the L-Word? Still months away.)
Sorry to jump off topic, but we at the LOL-Word seem to be missing something. See, we girls know our lipstick, but we still haven't gotten a single lolz out of that What's-the-difference-between-a-hockey-mom-and-a-pit-bull-line that so many wingnuts find so hilarious.
So an loldog (lol Sarah Palin, really) seemed appropriate today.
With make-up or without, vicious is still vicious.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
We interrupt our usual lolcat speak to tell you a story about how we found ourselves not ROTF-LOLing when we stumbled upon the so-called “Sassy Commentary,” which aired alongside the NewNowNext awards program on LOGO. Stephen Guarino from LOGO's own “Big Gay Sketch Show” and comedian Mimi Gonzalez star as "two gays about to rip LOGO and its little awards show a new one." Sounds irresistible. (Also confusing! Considering that the NNN Awards air on LOGO TV.) Here are the top four lines from Guarino:
#1: His introductions
The big joke: Guarino introduces himself and then introduces Gonzalez as "Mimi Rodriguez."
Why it’s funny: She's Cuban after all, brown, and that sounds like a close enough name. When she calls him on his mistake, he's all "No Habla Espanol, okay?" Ha!
The lesson: Overt racism is funny. ROTFL!
#2: His knowledge base
The big joke: Guarino, who costars on “The Big Gay Sketch Show” with Rosie O’Donnell, Chastity Bono, Julie Goldman and Kate McKinnon, says, "Although I'm in gay programming, I'm very unknowledgeable about people. . . who don't have penises." Later, he says, “I only have one lesbian friend.”
Why it’s funny: He doesn’t know, like or need any women, including his coworkers and members of his community!
The lesson: Penisless people. Are they really people at all?
#3: His foot fetish
The big joke: In an out-of-the blue outburst, Guarino exclaims, "Ohh! Women's feet make me sick! Aughhhror! I'm gonna be sick!"
Why it’s funny: Women are gross.
The lesson: Men have better feet? Actually, we’re not sure what the lesson is here.
#4: His learning curve
The big joke: "I've been learning a lot about women who like women,” says Guarino. “I recently went to one of my first lesbian events, the GO Awards. I was the only man there, and I was scared for my life! That was the most aggressive, rough crowd - screaming, drunk, doing shots, whacking each others tits."
Why it’s funny: Lesbians are brutes.
The lesson: Women without men are scary.
Editor’s note: If anyone was there that night and roughly whacked tits, do tell! How did we miss such a great party?
After all this hilarity, Guarino concluded, “[Gay male and lesbian cultures] do not mix!” Gonzalez broke from her “she’s hot” commentary for a serious, albeit brief, moment, declaring, "I'm Old School Gay, and…we have to work together, because there are enough people trying to get us to fight each other. ACT UP, Lesbian Avengers, Queer Nation. Who remembers that? Not this generation!"
See, here's the thing about "sassy” commentary (a.k.a. snark). At its best, snark is smart cultural commentary, a funny way for the defenseless to chip away at the people in power. For teh gays, snarking evolved out of necessity—we may not be in a position of power but we can laugh at those who are! We can cheer our supporters and jeer our detractors. It’s The Little People's Weapon, and it has served us well. Snark is something "this generation" is supposed to understand. It’s not a way for us to pick on each other for no reason—that’s just petty meanness.
In this situation, the meanness is especially disheartening because it’s sponsored by our only TV network. So, effectively, we are taking ourselves down. Imagine if the Academy of Motion Pictures had its members on-stage to heckle their own Oscar winners, or if an actor scathingly reviewed his own one-man show just as his audience filed in.
Plus, it’s not even funny.
Our only comfort is the knowledge that, perhaps because of this type of programing on LOGO, very few people nationwide watched this spectacle. Luckily, Guarino, who gushes, “I adore myself,” is his own biggest fan. Still, we won't judge him too harshly. (Freud however, would have a field day.)
Here’s the big gay take away: When we live in such a way that “do not mix,” it's alienating, lonely, sad and not good for anyone. Not for any one of us, LGBTQ or whatever. It’s not good for straight people, either. Nor white people, nor black, brown, yellow. However we look or identify, it’s not good for us to not mix, to not be open, to not learn from, to not appreciate, and to not try to enjoy each other. We all have to work together.
We realize we sound idealistic, here. But, you know what? It’s just more fun to live that way, too.
(We couldn't bear to watch the whole thing, but if you want to take a peak for yourself, click here. And, please, comment on the NewNowNext blog. They could use a clue from you today, because frankly, what they are serving there seems a little less than fresh.)